• Army Technical Transportation Of Hazmat

    Army Technical Transportation Of Hazmat

    Unlock the doors to career advancement. Training and education can be the key! How To Use This Guide 1. Go to the section that reflects your current grade level. (Example: Grade Level -06) Please note that it is possible for an individual to fit into more than one category at the same time, such as Grade Level - 11 and supervisor.

    G1 has approved the initiative to award promotion points for technical certifications to Soldiers competing for promotion to sergeant and staff sergeant. About Certification: 10 promotion points for each awarded technical certification. Maximum of 50 promotion points are authorized for technical certifications.

    Categories. For a quick overview of recommended and available courses, check out the. After reading the listing for your grade, assess whether you have completed the mandatory or mission essential training for your current grade. Then assess recommended and optional training. Note training needs and appropriate priority on your individual development plan (IDP). Mandatory or Mission Essential Training - Required by law or regulation, or has highest mission priority. Recommended Training - Improves abilities and directly relates to job duties.

    Optional Training - Has lower precedence. Enhances job skills. Review listings for previously held grade levels. If training at those levels was missed, include it on your current IDP in the appropriate category. An and a short explanation of the items shown under the General category is included in this booklet. Keep in mind that more than one source may be available to successfully complete the training components at each level. Do not repeat training you have already completed through on- the-job experience or other sources.

    Submit your completed IDP to your supervisor for signature. Furnish a copy to your activity's training coordinator and the Detrick Center for Training and Education Excellence.

    Keep a copy of the IDP for your records. Note: The information provided in the Career Maps is intended to serve as a guideline. It is not intended to infer that a series of training initiatives will automatically lead to promotion to the next level. This is two separate courses sponsored by the NECPOC. Budget Formula. Learn the administration requirements for federal budget formulation, how to prepare budget estimates and important budget concepts and procedures.

    Use sound budget estimating techniques and correctly interpret your agency's budget guidance and funding authority. Budget Execution. Learn key events in the federal budgetary cycle, including appropriation and allotment expenditures and outlays. Learn how apportionment requests to OMB are prepared, understand commitments and obligations, meet legal and regulatory requirements for fund control. Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Basic and refresher life saving course; mandatory requirement for personnel in certain occupations and positions. Certification of Hazardous Materials Course The basic course (2 weeks) and refresher course (1 week) lead to certification authority. Graduates will be able to sign transportation documents that certify all legal and regulatory requirements for shipping hazardous materials have been met.

    Retraining required every two years. Coaching and Counseling Assists participants in increasing their employees' productivity and efficiency by providing successful coaching/counseling methods and techniques. Build teamwork by recognizing and tapping into individual strengths, skills and abilities. Promote trust and rapport by understanding and responding to each individual's unique behavior and personal values/beliefs. Computer Software Competency. Self-paced training packages are available at the ACES Education Center.

    Contact the ACES at 301-619-2854 for more information. For information on available classroom training in a particular software, check current course listings on the. There is no cost for self-paced packages; there is a cost associated with classroom instruction. You may also enroll in the Army's computer based training program, which offers many course titles. Consideration of Others A series of group discussions and interactions designed to foster better understanding and cooperation in the workplace.

    For additional information about this course, contact the Fort Detrick EEO office, 301-619-2224. Contracting Officer's Representative Course Provides Contracting Officer's Representatives the training necessary to monitor contracts requiring Government oversight. Course length: 3 days. Prerequisite: Responsibilities of a COR.

    Crane Operations and Rigging Safety and operational training opportunity that varies based on vendor and location. Customer Service Training Locally mandated for Fort Detrick Garrison personnel. This course was developed in response to an Executive Order advocating top quality customer service in Government agencies. Participants are guided through a series of discussions, videotapes, and practical applications that highlight customer service situations and preferred outcomes. Contact the course instructor to enroll. This course is offered at no cost to participants.

    Developing Emotional Intelligence through Interpersonal Skills Development Outlines the personal qualities of adapting to change. Presents the four-step model of transitional phases. Learn why some teams fail and others succeed. Learn techniques for diffusing highly charged situations.

    Practice active listening and compassion skills. Assess other's likes, differences and strengths and put them to work for the benefit of everyone. Use your full range of choices and desire for team building to improve your personal work life. Developmental Assignment, Cooperative Assignment or Training with Industry May be locally devised or coordinated through Department of Army or other off post organizations. Check the Civilian Personnel Online web site for off post training or developmental opportunities, or contact the Detrick Center for Training and Education Excellence for more information about local opportunities. Diversity Training Cultural awareness activities sponsored by the Equal Employment Opportunity Office.

    Upcoming diversity programs are listed on the installation calendar located on the Fort Detrick web site. Contact the Special Emphasis Program Coordinator at 301-619-2224 for information regarding future programs.

    Effective Briefing Techniques Create an enthusiastic and colorful speaking presence. Win your audience over to your side. Keep listeners interested and involved every step of the way. Learn how to use visual aids, allocate time, speech delivery and reading techniques, pacing.

    This is not a course in how to use Microsoft Powerpoint for presentations. Empowerment from the Inside Out No one can empower you until you empower yourself. Take charge and change your life. Through participation and self-evaluation you will discover what you believe, think and say about yourself. Learn the difference between ego and self-esteem.

    Conduct a self-evaluation to establish a bench mark for personal change. Reset the goals for a 'new you' and take charge! Ethics Training This training is required for all persons who have fiduciary or contracting responsibilities, supervisors and managers. Course contents include an explanation of apparent or actual conflict of interest in various scenarios and monetary limits on gifts or honoraria. It includes an explanation regarding potential conflicts with concurrent employment or future employment opportunities. Contact the Fort Detrick Judge Advocate General (JAG) office for information about course dates and times.

    Federal Budget Process Learn the major phases of the budget process. Identify the congressional committees and the principle parties involved in the budget process. Understand internal and external controls placed on appropriated funds. Learn the four phases of the budget process, the role of Congress, the President, OMB, and the department or agency.

    Foundations of Computer Literacy Essentials of Internet use and e-mail. Software may vary. Available via self-paced tutorials or classroom instruction.

    Contact the Detrick Center for Training and Education Excellence to schedule self-paced tutorials, or for course information. Fundamentals of Budget Preparation and Management Not a specific course title.

    Vendors and program costs vary. Check the 'Training' web page to determine if a similar course is scheduled to be presented locally. Fundamentals of Business Writing Provides instruction to apply information and concepts related to clear, concise and complete written communication as it applies to the corporate and business world. Grammar and Proofreading Made Fun Key rules for subject/verb agreement, ambiguous pronouns, active vs. Passive voice.

    Techniques for proofreading hard copy and computer screen documents and checking appropriate punctuation. Addresses commonly misused words, for example, affect versus effect. HAZCOM Essential industrial safety and environmental factors that impact workers and supervisors. Available in basic and refresher formats and train-the-trainer.

    Army Technical Transportation Of Hazmat

    Contact the Installation Safety Office for course dates, times, and additional information. Interpersonal Relations and Conflict Management Structured training in human relations and managing conflicting goals. May include a discussion of personalities and individual viewpoints. This is not a specific course title; vendors may vary. Check the to determine if a similar course is scheduled to be presented locally.

    Leadership: Change, Challenge, and Empowerment Improve your ability to lead and create a leadership environment. Value and capitalize on the differences and strengths of your employees. Create a work environment that empowers your employees. Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) This is a participatory course that presents important leadership principles in a format developed by the Army Center for Leadership, Fort Leavenworth, KS. This course may be taken for college credit under a cooperative agreement with Frederick Community College. Additional class hours and college enrollment fees apply.

    Contact the course instructor at 717-878-2618 for additional information about this course. Check the to determine if this course is scheduled to be presented soon. 40 hours (non-credit)/45 hours (college credit option).

    Managing a Diverse Workforce Structured, formal training with emphasis on gender, handicap, religious, cultural, and racial diversity, related to establishing and accomplishing group goals. This is not a specific course title; vendors may vary. Check the to determine if a similar course is scheduled to be presented locally.

    Managing Organizational Change Identify the attitudinal and behavioral competencies that will support constructive change in your organization. Look at the dynamics, processes and opportunities of change and organizational renewal. Learn strategies to constructively deal with change. Managing Multiple Priorities Stay on top of long-range assignments. Learn how to overcome procrastination. Find hidden shortcuts to every project.

    Organize your space for maximum efficiency. Handle professional challenges with confidence. New Manager Development Course Correspondence course available through the Army Institute of Professional Development.

    Check their home page on the Internet for enrollment information. Organizational Leadership for Executives (OLE) Part of the group of leadership and executive development courses offered through the Army Management Staff College, Fort Belvoir, VA. See their home page for course dates and additional information. Personnel Management for Executives (PME) I/Personnel Management for Executives (PME) II Part of the group of leadership and executive development courses offered through the Army Management Staff College, Fort Belvoir, VA. See their home page for course dates and additional information.

    Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) - Refresher Mandated by Army to be completed at least annually by all employees, this course is currently offered in a self-instruct format located on the. It includes information about what constitutes sexual harassment and how to prevent it. Contact the EEO at 301-619-2224 if you require additional information. This course is currently offered at no cost to participants. Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) for Supervisors This is a one-time training requirement for all supervisors.

    It is in addition to the annual POSH Refresher required of all employees. It specifically addresses the issue of sexual harassment, to include the actions supervisors must/should take or avoid. Contact the course instructor, Cindy Mason, 301-619-3360, for current information about the next available class. This course is currently offered at no cost to participants. Reading Blueprints Self-paced correspondence courses in reading blueprints, electrical systems, and plumbing and air conditioning are available through the professional lending library at the Detrick Center for Training and Education Excellence. Call 301-619-2854 for more information. Safety Training for Supervisors and Collateral Duty Safety Representatives This is a one-time training requirement for supervisors and collateral duty safety representatives and can be taken as a refresher upon request.

    The course provides an overview of the role and responsibility of the supervisor and collateral duty safety representative in the Army Safety Program and the Federal Employee's Compensation Act. It emphasizes accident prevention methods and techniques to be employed both prior to and following an accident. Call 301-619-3153, for additional information regarding this course. This course is currently offered at no cost to participants.

    Safe Transportation of Hazardous Materials Self-paced computer-based training available at the Learning Resource Center. Mandatory basic and refresher training for persons who package, store, or transport any materials classified as hazardous by the Department of Transportation. Contact 301-619-2854 for more information.

    Senior Level Cooperative Assignment Off site developmental assignment such as shadowing someone in senior executive service (SES). Check the Civilian Personnel Online web site for off post developmental opportunities. Senior Service College Check the Civilian Personnel Online web page for information about Senior Service College applications and enrollment. Situational Leadership Based on the Situational Leadership theory and practice advocated by Ken Blanchard, this training leads participants through the process of self-discovery and application. It identifies leadership styles and how to partner with employees or co-workers to reach common goals.

    Available by coordination with the Detrick Center for Training and Education Excellence. Contact the Mentoring Program Coordinator to enroll. A minimum of 10 participants is required. There is a minimal cost assigned to cover purchase of copyrighted training materials. Subversion and Espionage Directed Against the Army (SAEDA) This is an annual requirement for all Army personnel.

    Contact 301-619-3302, for a current list of course dates or for more information. Supervisor Development Course Part II - Personnel & Budget Includes drug and alcohol awareness, employee assistance options, working with the union contract, personnel and budget processes and procedures, mission and function information, organizational structure, command and control.

    Presented by Fort Detrick staff and/or a vendor. Sustaining Base Leadership and Management Program Offered by the Army Management Staff College, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, as a resident or non-resident course.

    Check the AMSC home page on the Internet for application and enrollment information. Transportation of Hazardous Materials Required for all persons who transport, store, or handle hazardous materials. Contact the DCTEE at 301-619-2854 to enroll in web-based-training. Violence in the Workplace This is an annual requirement for Fort Detrick Garrison supervisors. It illustrates some of the issues that lead to workplace violence, encourages intervention and essential action necessary to prevent injury or death due to workplace violence.

    Contact Becky Myers or any member of the Installation Prevention Team for information or future training dates. Wellness Training Also known as 'Healthy Workplace' - Contact the Barquist Health Clinic to enroll in this program. Workplace Design For The Future Locally mandated for Fort Detrick Garrison personnel, this course is Phase III training under the Total Army Quality Program (Reference FM 22-100). It emphasizes team building and strategic planning. Contact the course instructor to enroll. The course is offered at no cost to participants. Writing for Support Staff Technical or management level writing skills.

    Not a specific course title. Vendors and program costs vary. Check the to determine if a similar course is scheduled to be presented locally.

    Army Technical Transportation Of Hazmat